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If you love nature too – you can help it by supporting us
Your contribution goes directly to our projects in Colombia and Greenland and to developing new activities and new projects. A very small share of incoming assets is used for administration. Since neither our board nor our administration receives wages for their work our administrative costs are vey low, but of course we still have to pay for auditing and pay taxes etc.
If you wish to make a larger donation or if you are interested in hearing more about the possibilities of collaboration the please send us an email at: donation@wildnf.org

WILD Nature Foundation
A little piece of land can save great nature
The cloud forest in Colombia contains one of the highest concentrations of biodiversity in the World. Many of these species are endangered because their living area is decreasing.
We can do something about that – together.
For 250 DKK (app. €34) you can buy a WILD-share in our nature reserve WILD Campo Alegre. It's a direct investment in more nature on the terms of the animals and plants.